6 Months Post-Op

I haven't written in such a long time, and I'm sorry for that. It's just that, no matter how overwhelming it seems in the beginning, life does return to normal. Eventually, the hysterectomy becomes just a memory, just a fading scar on the abdomen.

At six months post-op, I feel great. My energy is back and I've managed to lose close to 30 pounds. In fact, I'm feeling so good that I'm considering getting a breast reduction. I want my outside to match my insides-- young and energetic.

I am so very grateful to my doctor for doing the hysterectomy. It was truly the best decision I've ever made. Life without constant pain, bleeding, and mood swings is lovely.

There is life after hysterectomy... and it's good. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Hi, Just found your website. Had keyhole hysterectomy 6 days ago. Uterus + ovaries went. I feel quite good and went home after one night in hospital. My only concern is slight leg numbness. Is this normal?

Anonymous said...

Hi Misty, I posted the comment on 22/6/08 at 1.52am (except it is really 6.57pm here in Australia). I found your site interesting and more useful then most other sites. Fantastic work and I am glad you are feeling so well now. Apart from the very slight numbness in my upper legs, I feel extremely well. I was told that key hole surgery recovery time is less then other types of surgery. I can vouch for that. Take care. Sophie

Anonymous said...

Hi, it's Sophie again. Today is 26/6/08. I still feel pretty good. The numbness in my leg is also in my groin. I saw my gyno on 23/6/08 and he isn't worried. I think it might be just what I can feel from the stitches and the healing inside. Can't quite work out if it is numbness or soreness or even a bruising feeling I am experiencing down there. But it isn't painful. Just you know that it is tender down there. Take care

Misty from WhatContainsGluten? said...

Hi Sophie,

I didn't experience that type of numbness, but I do still have abdominal numbness. I hope you're feeling better now. Thanks so much for reading my blog. I'll try to post again soon.

Mindy Davis said...

Hi, I am considering having a hysterectomy for severe endometriosis. I'm 26, have one son, and since him I am unable to have anymore children (my son is a "miracle baby" they say). My only concern about the hysterectomy is that some say endo comes back after surgery. Have you had any reoccurence of pain?

Misty from WhatContainsGluten? said...

Hi Mindy,

So far, the only pain I have is with ovulation. Since my ovaries seemed to be functioning fine, I kept them, so ovulation discomfort is something I'm having to live with. It's still much, much better than the constant pain I had before. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I just would like to thank you for your blog. It has help me understand what my body & mind is going through. I had my hysterectomy last Friday. I am doing well physically but emotionally I am a bit of a mess. Like you were I am crying at most things. It comforting to know that I am not the only one. I am olloking forward to Christmas now knowing that I will have no pain and be able to enjoy seeing my children having fun :)

Natural deodorant said...


Nice blog you have done great job. its looking comfortable.

sartaj faisal said...


Great information.....


Niecey said...

Did you ever answer the question about the pouch, or hard knot of tissue in my case, that is located internally about an inch or so above the incision? It almost feels like it connects to my belly button. I am 3 plus weeks post-op.
I had a Da Vinci single incision complete hysterectomy.