Is Endometriosis a Good Reason for Surgery?
Many women get hysterectomies for severe endometriosis. This is a good last resort for endo, but it shouldn't be the first line of treatment, especially if you wish to have children. If you have endometriosis and you would like to have kids (or more kids), there are treatments available that can preserve your fertility. Ask about:
- Laparoscopic surgery
- Hormone treatments
- Dietary and lifestyle changes
- Mirena IUD (until pregnancy is desired)
- Birth control pills (until pregnancy is desired)
- Progestins
If preserving fertility is not a concern, you might consider an endometrial ablation. This procedure burns the lining of the uterus and usually results in less bleeding. Results are mixed for women with endo, though, as many report that pain is not improved.
Other Reasons to Get Hysterectomy
In addition to hysterectomy, there are other reasons women choose to get hysterectomy. These include cancer, uncontrollable bleeding, advanced uterine disease, fibroids, uterine prolapse, uterine rupture, and adenomyosis. Although all of these are sometimes legitimate reasons for hysterectomy, consider all available options. As long as you are not facing a medical emergency, as in the case of a rupture, you should always get a second-- and even a third or fourth-- opinion before you schedule surgery. Make sure that all treatment options have been explored.
There is life after hysterectomy... and it's good. Enjoy!
1 comment:
Although there are definite reasons to have a full hysterectomy, prolapse doesn't necessarily have to be one of them. There are procedures availabe from pelvic reconstruction to repair the damage, then labiaplasty to regain firmness.
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