Seven Weeks After My Hysterectomy

First off, I'm sorry I haven't been posting regularly. I'm just feeling so much better that I've been forgetting! Seriously, I've been catching up on my "normal" life-- working, visiting friends, and schooling my kids. I've even starting working out. I'm far, far from in shape, but it feels so good to have started.

Apparently my belly bloat is finally showing real progress-- I'm wearing my pre-hysterectomy jeans today. Yay me! I'm so excited about this. I was really starting to think this overhanging tummy was my new look. Granted, these jeans are still quite a bit bigger than I'd like, but at least I'm back to normal. Did I mention I've started working out? Some time in '08 I will be back in single digit jeans...

There is life after hysterectomy... and it's good. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Iam happy to find your blog, I had a Total abdominal Hysterectomy the day after Thanksgivng.A week after yours. I can say one thing I have no regrets about my decision and have admit this is life changing.

Misty from WhatContainsGluten? said...

Hi... I'm glad you found it, too! Also glad to hear you have no regrets... I'm with you-- it is life changing, but it's a GOOD change!

Anonymous said...

To learn more abut female anatomy and how the female organs function, including their sexual function, read the new book "The H Word" at

The uterus and ovaries have important functions all of a woman's life. There is no age or time in a woman's life she no longer needs her uterus and ovaries.