Six Weeks Post-Hysterectomy

Six weeks post-hysterectomy, and I'm almost feeling like my old self. Actually, I'm feeling better than my old self in many ways. For example, I feel much more even emotionally. My husband told me that he's amazed by my "transformation", he's never seen me laugh so much!

And I really feel like a different person. For one thing, I haven't gone more than two and a half weeks without bleeding in years. It's amazing! Life without bleeding, cramping, and the haywire emotions of PMS is just great. I keep forgetting that I no longer have a uterus. I keep waiting for the bleeding to start; keep wondering when the good mood will be replaced by irritability and moodiness. When I found pads stashed in my purse, I realized it hasn't quite sunk in that I'll never have another period. Simply an amazing thought.

I'm feeling much better physically, too. My abdomen no longer hurts, although it is still slightly tender to the touch. The swelling is going down, too. I still tire easily, but my endurance is getting better.

There is life after hysterectomy... and it's good. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Just came across your website and love it. Every other website I looked at today had nothing but negative things to say about a hysterectomy. I just had my hysterectomy on 12/17 and I am feeling a bit depressed and have some anxiety (which make me feel like an emotional wreck. I am looking for some hope. They left my ovaries, so I was not expecting to feel any side effects. I am hoping, like you, these feeling will gradually subside in the next few weeks.

Please keep posting!

Misty from WhatContainsGluten? said...

Hi Sue,

I'm so glad you find this site! Like you, I was a little overwhelmed by all the hysterectomy negativity. We need a positive place on the net to discuss our surgeries.

And yes, it's perfectly normal to be feeling a little down. Your body has been through the wringer, and your emotions have, too. I think you'll feel much better soon. When you see your doctor, be sure to mention the depression and anxiety. You might need a little medication to get you over the hump! It's also possible that your ovaries aren't functioning properly just yet.

Good luck, Sue... and happy healing!

Anonymous said...


your words are definitely what I've been feeling and going through. I'm 40 years old and I had my uterus only removed, July 18, 2008. It has been one week and two days for me. You have actually answered a lot of my questions through reading your words of experience. I've also heard nothing but negativity regarding hysterectomies like weight gain, etc. I have not experienced any weight gain and my stomach has went down because of the walking and support of my husband and kids. I want to be part of group where I can express my feelings. Thanks so much for your words of experience. As I was reading your words, I kept saying, "she is so correct." Thanks a bunches!

Anonymous said...

I'm 4 weeks--tomorrow--post TAH (8 body parts removed)following diagnosis of uterine cancer. They got the cancer (!!) but I can't shake the pain and inflammation of "the overhanging tummy". Did I mention I'm 69 years old. I sit here in my bathrobe on a 70-degree sunny day at 4 PM in the afternoon and wonder if there is, indeed, life after this trauma. I'm not depressed I'm just feeling very, very old (70 in February). I'm concentrating on the great cancer-free thing but. . .

Anonymous said...

Dear Ananomyous
My heart goes out to you. I have been through a very similiar experience and want to tell you it will get much better. Your body and spirit have been through a great trauma and it is natural to feel very vulnerable. I am a very type A person and I found I had to give myself permission to just be, to enjoy small things like the sun on my skin and let myself heal . My thoughts are with you.

Anonymous said...

hello all, i'm 35 and had my uterus and cervix removed 4 weeks ago, my tummy swells so much if I try to put my jeans on, I don't understand that, and it hurts so much. I find myself feeling sad and weird. My doctors said that all my test came back ok, but my last lab work came back with my white and red blood cells low again, when i went in for surgery my platelet count was only 97, they have also found a lymph node in my left breast, so i have to wait to have that relooked at. I have 3 kids, 2 graduating in June, and leaving, I'm hoping that the doctors find out what all is going on, I want to make sure I'm here for a long time. this is a great site, is all the pain and swelling normal.