It has been exactly four weeks since my total abdominal hysterectomy. How am I feeling? Am I completely recovered? I am definitely feeling better than I was four weeks ago, but I'm not at all fully recovered. Here's a recap of how I'm feeling these days:
- I am still not sleeping well
- I get extremely tired with very little exertion
- My numbness is almost gone, although some parts of my abdomen still tingle
- My abdominal bloat is better, but I am very swollen at the end of the day or if I've been on my feet too much
- I feel weepy off and on, and usually for no apparent reason
- I am having some mood swings-- from happy to crying to angry in mere minutes
- The pain is almost non-existent under normal conditions. I feel twinges sometimes, usually if I've gotten up from bed too quickly or at the wrong angle, but I feel much better. I also feel more pain if I've tried to do too much.
- I am driving, but it wears me out. I can't handle long drives or drives that require walking at the destination.
- I still have occasional back and leg pain, but it is better than before the surgery. Because of my endo, I've always had back and leg pain, but this is an improvement.
- I still have headaches, but they seem to be improving. This is another symptom I've always had, but I really feel I'm seeing improvement in the frequency, severity, and duration.
All in all, I'm feeling better than I expected to feel at this stage in my recovery.
There is life after hysterectomy... and it's good. Enjoy!
i am so happy that i found your blog. Just had my hyster.. I'm 35 and last night i freaked out because i had the numbness and the dr. never mentioned that! i did confirm this a.m. that is normal.. but i was able to sleep last night - not thinking i had a big problem
I just came across your blog from a youtuber. I am so happy to know that someone has experienced almost the same things as me.
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