After Hysterectomy, You Must Rest

It sounds like common sense, but it needs to be said: if you feel tired, rest! We are women and we like to be useful... we like to be productive, we like to take care of others, we like to be part of the action, we like to do. We feel lazy and selfish when we sit around, watching others do the work.

If there's ever a time for "laziness" and "selfishness", though, it's after a hysterectomy. Your body has been through hell, and it needs time to recover. Your emotions have been through the wringer, too, and they also need time to adjust. Think of this self-care period as an investment in your future: if you take the time to take care of yourself, you'll recovery more fully, possibly need less pain medications, and be less likely to do damages that will require follow-up surgery.

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