Know Your Limits Post-Op

I woke up this morning to the sound of someone banging on my front door, banging as though they were about to kick it in. Without thinking, I jumped out of bed and ran to the door... and found a couple of ladies wanting to share "the beauty of Christ's love". As soon as I realized I was in no harm and the adrenaline rush died down, I was in horrible pain. I felt like my insides were being ripped to pieces.

While it is important to be increasingly active after your surgery, it's even more important to know your own limits and to listen to your body. If something hurts, don't do it! Pain is a definite sign that you've done too much. Increased vaginal bleeding is another dead giveaway. In the early weeks post-op, avoid:

*Lifting more than five pounds
*Sudden, quick movements
*Anything that causes pain and discomfort

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