In the days leading up to my hysterectomy, I was a nervous wreck. I babbled incessantly about all the things that could go wrong and all the what ifs. I had a total one-track mind, and friends and the hubster learned way more about my uterus than they ever really needed to know. But, you know what? They all listened, they all pretended each and every time that this was a new conversation... and it helped so much.
Talking the issues through helped me to realize that some of the fears were a bit unfounded and that some of the possible risks were worth the payoff. One friend in particular took a very analytical approach to my fears, helping me to take the anxiety from the abstract to the concrete. She'd say, "What, exactly, are you worried about?" When I told her I was afraid the anesthesia wouldn't work and I'd wake up during surgery, she pointed out that I've been under general anesthesia before with no complications. Sounds simple, but it really eased my mind.
If someone you love is facing hysterectomy, here are some tips:
*Listen, without fail.
*Use humor as appropriate, but do not mock her fears.
*Try to pinpoint the source of her fear. Specific issues are easier to deal with than general anxiety.
*Do research and help educate her on the likelihood of complications.
*Help her make plans for the post-op period. Preparation definitelys helps cut through anxiety.
*Take her mind off the surgery. The weekend before my surgery, a friend invited several women over for a girls' night. Take her out, spend time with her, do something fun!
More than anything else, just be there.
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