Reasons to Have an Abdominal Hysterectomy

When I first seriously discussed hysterectomy with my doctor, I was astonished when he said total abdominal hysterectomy would be his method of choice. With all the less invasive versions available today, such as the Da Vinci, vaginal, or laproscopic, the abdominal surgery seems positively primitive! The incision is larger, the hospital stay is longer, and the recovery period is more painful. Turns out, there are actually reasons for some women to have the old-fashioned abdominal hysterectomy, though.

When I asked my doctor why he wouldn't do the surgery vaginally, he told me, "I'm not going to pull your uterus out through your vagina just to prove I can." He went on to explain that the possibility of damage to the bladder, urinary tract, blood vessels, and surrounding organs is significantly higher in vaginal hysterectomy than in the traditional abdominal method.

In addition, abdominal hysterectomy is preferred in cases of severe endometriosis. In these cases, the surgeon needs to be able to fully explore the ovaries, bowels, and surrounding organs to ensure that all the endo has been removed. This helps prevent recurrence.

Other times abdominal surgery may be needed include:

*Other need for abdominal exploration
*Enlarged uterus
*Obese patients
*Large fibroids

In the end, only you and your doctor can decide on the correct method for you. Whatever you decide, good luck!

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