Depression After Your Hysterectomy

It's been three weeks since my hysterectomy, and I'm feeling pretty good... physically. Emotionally? Well, that's another story. In my head, I'm perfectly okay with my surgery: I'm looking forward to life without pain and periods. I'm even (mostly) okay with the idea that I'll never have more children. So why am I feeling so weepy?

Everything is making me cry. I read about hysterectomy; I cry. My daughter says something sweet; I cry. I hear a song on the radio; I cry. My doctor tells me I'm brave to have made this decision; I cry. I see a dog food commercial; I cry. Okay, maybe the dog food thing is an exaggeration, but not by much. I can't even explain the tears... there is no logical reason for it. But, is it normal?

It seems there are many possible reasons for the weepiness:

  • I'm not sleeping
  • I'm frustrated that I can't do so many of the things I'm used to doing
  • My hormones are a little out of whack
  • I'm caught off guard by my large, swollen belly
  • Hysterectomy is, by nature, an emotional surgery and it takes time to sort out the feelings
  • The body has been through trauma, and complete healing takes time
  • There is a bit of confusion over the exact cause of my pre-hysterectomy bleeding and, by extension, the surgery itself

At this point in the game, we're going on the assumption that this slight depression is a normal by-product of my hysterectomy. My doctor prescribed sleeping pills and mild anti-anxiety pills. He is also checking my hormone levels. Since I'm also having night sweats and hot flashes, there is a possibility that my hormone levels are off. We're going to give it some time.

Warning Signs

Although it's normal to be a bit down after hysterectomy, the blues can become full-blown depression, and depression needs to be treated. You must contact your doctor if:

  • You are having thoughts of suicide or wishing for death
  • Your sadness makes it impossible for you to function on a daily basis
  • Your sadness doesn't lessen over time. Definitely talk to your doctor if you are still feeling depressed beyond six weeks post-op.
  • You are having thoughts of violence
  • You are experienceing feelings of rage

Remember, there is no shame in being depressed. Depression is often caused by hormone or chemical imbalances, and it can be treated. Do not be afraid or embarrassed to seek treatment. You deserve to be happy!

There is life after hysterectomy... and it's good. Enjoy!

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